e-Gazette No. 71 - 15 February 2021 If this email is not displaying properly (e.g. if it's truncated or there are no pictures) then click here to view this email in your web browser |
We are all holding our breath (in the hope that COVID-19 does not intervene again) but we are very pleased to finally be organising the belated climax, next month, of our $38,500 Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize (delayed 2020 edition) |
Pictured above: four of the finalists. Clockwise from top left: - Gordon Bain - "Wetland"
- Ingrid Morley - "Off the Freeway"
- Cheryl Bridgart - "Natural Harmony"
- Bella Marchesan - "Heartlands"
From the more than 350 entries that were received more than a year ago, our respected art judges in February 2020 selected 77 of the entries as finalists. We had hoped originally to have these finalists judged, prizes awarded and a public exhibition commence in March last year. However, COVID intervened in everybody's plans After two postponements, the judging and prize-giving is now scheduled for the third week of March 2021. There will be an invitation-only guest list to the official opening and prize-giving evening at the Festival Centre on Friday 19 March. Your chance to see the art works on display will be during the limited opening hours of the Festival Centre between Saturday 20 March and Saturday 8 May. |
Pictured above: five of the finalists. Clockwise from top left: Fran Callen - "Beside Her" Characoal, pastel, pencil, graphite on coulourfix paper Daryl Austin - "Disruptions 3 (Veiled Facade, Tangkaira)" Oil on Panel Laima Guscia - "Pod" Mixed media Alex Frayne - Fog at Pakapakanthi Photo print on archival paper Jan Cleveringa - "Untitled 5 (Listening to Trees, Series)" Drawing in permanent inks and Gumleaf broil stain
We are very grateful to all the artists who entered the 2020 competition, and waited so patiently all of last year for this exhibition to commence. We also owe a debt of gratitude to the sponsors, the judges, and the staff at the Festival Centre who have worked with us throughout the chaos of constantly-changing COVID-19 requirements to get to this stage. For more detail or to purchase any of the works before the prizes are awarded, see www.parklandsart.com |
The State Liberal Government has spent the past three years trying to ignore the fact that it has stolen seven hectares of Park 11 within the Adelaide Park Lands for a construction site. The so-called "Lot Fourteen" is entirely within Park 11. |
The relocation of the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 2017 (ironically to another Park Lands site in Park 27) created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to restore the old RAH site to its actual legal status as part of Park 11 within the world-unique Adelaide Park Lands. |
Since 2018, the State Government had been refusing to countenance returning even a small portion of the seven-hectare old RAH site to Park Lands. However, in a belated change of heart, the Government's land developers have agreed to put a small park into the centre of its planned swathe of new enormous buildings. |
Now, however, revised new plans call for a proposed new "central" park within "Lot Fourteen". The proposed tiny Park (size not yet specified) would be isolated from its family, the rest of the Adelaide Park Lands, and would be overshadowed all through the day by the massive scale of the buildings around it. |
Of course this token park, belatedly included in "Lot Fourteen" plans, is better than the Government's previous refusal to allow any open green public space within the former RAH site. |
But the developers - the Government's suits at Renewal SA - still are failing to acknowledge or recognise that the land they are making available for multi-billion dollar private industries is land that has been taken from the people of South Australia. It is land that is legally still part of the world-unique Adelaide Park Lands. Inserting a token patch of green space in the middle of these stolen seven hectares seems like denying a child access to her or his family. |
Here is a link to the gushing one-sided story on Adelaide Now ($$ subscriber-only link) And here is a link to the full story of the land stolen from Park 11 |
Our lives are constantly cluttered with messages from people trying to get our attention. Advertising hits us all the time - everything from food, gadgets, fashion, and even how to save the planet. To make any message stand out, you need to be distinctive and have a recognised identity that can cut through the clutter. APPA is working with local branding consutants Detour Design to develop a new "brand" for our Association, and the Adelaide Park Lands that we love. NOW, WE NEED YOUR (BRIEF) HELP. Please give us three minutes to answer just a few questions about you, the Park Lands, and APPA. |
Survey link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GN23ZLS We need your responses no later than 1 March 2021, but please don't put it off.. Why not do it right away? |
Since April last year, APPA has been seeking permission from the City Council, to lead a community project of re-greening at least part of the bitumen-surfaced disused former netball courts at "Edwards Park" off Anzac Highway in G.S..Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23). |
The Lord Mayor, Sandy Verschoor has been broadly supportive and on 9 November encouraged us to make a submission to the Park Lands Authority to get the go-ahead for an initial site meeting and to form a community-based steering committee for the project. |
Meeting in the Lord Mayor's office on Monday 9 November, from left: Stephanie Johnston (member of both the APPA Committee and the Park Lands Authority), Shane Sody (APPA President), and the Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor. |
Consistent with the Lord Mayor's advice, we've lodged a request to speak directly to the Park Lands Authority at its meeting on Thursday 25 February. Read more at www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/restore |
Before we get the go-ahead for our "restoration" initiative, we're planning to clean up the site. G.S. Kingston Park / Wirraninthi (Park 23) is also the site of APPA's first "Clean Up a Park" effort on the afternoon of Sunday 7 March. |
APPA's joint Park Ambassadors Ted Jennings and son Nate Jennings will be hosting the Clean Up as part of "Clean Up Australia Day" on 7 March. APPA's proposed "restoration" site off Anzac Highway (see story above) will be only part of the targeted cleanup area. We'll also look for rubbish in the northern section of Park 23 - the Wirrarninthi Environmental Trail near Catholic Cemetery Road, off Sir Donald Bradman Drive. |
APPA's project will be just one of many cleanup sites around Australia on "Clean Up Australia Day". Sunday 7 March will provide you with several different opportunities to get active in the Park Lands. In addition to this Clean Up, there's also a fun run, and one of our regular Guided Walks on the same day. (See the "What's On" section below.) |
To help clean up Park 23, you'll be supplied with gloves and a rubbish bag on the day. To register as a Clean-Up volunteer, head to https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/register/wirrarninthi-gs-kingston-park--park-23- |
This month's video looks at one of the six Squares in the Adelaide Park Lands. Find out how it came to be cut into four pieces, and its 21st century nick-name "The Forest of Dreams". |
Next month's video: Whitmore Square / Iparrityi. Catch up on videos for other parts of the Park Lands on our YouTube channele |
Fiona Johnston is a regular visitor to Adelaide’s Himeji Garden, off South Terrace in Peppermint Park / Wita Wirra (Park 18). It's a garden designed to recall the beauty of nature. “It’s such a peaceful place, even when it’s full of people,” she said. “You walk in that gate and find a very welcoming space. You get to know the trees and their changing appearance through the seasons. The Gingko tree is now densely green. In Autumn, it turns golden and all its little fan-shaped leaves land in the garden.” |
On her visits, Fiona is often inspired to write a haiku, a tiny form of traditional Japanese poem. She says they are like a gift from the garden. As we listened to the gentle flowing sounds of the waterfall, Fiona read out two of her haiku. smelly gingko fruit drop on tall pink windflowers - autumn in the air water cascading brown pine needles thatch the pond - dragonfly dreaming |
“This is a place of cycles,” Fiona said. “It feeds people’s sense of well-being, gives them pleasure and it calms. The Himeji Garden values life and beauty, and I cherish it.” |
Would you like some support and encouragement to start getting fit, or re-gaining lost fitness? |
The South Australian Road Runners Club offers a free 12-week course to introduce (or re-introduce) you to running. There are two locations in the Park Lands for weekly meet-ups with fellow beginning runners. - Sundays 7.30am at Bullrush Park / Warnpangga (Park 10) off MacKinnon Pde; and
- Wednesdays 5.30pm at Blue Gum Park / Kurangga (Park 20) off South Tce
One of our Park Ambassadors, Alice Davidson, (pictured below) is one of the recent success stories of the program - improving her fitness over the past few months to be ready to tackle a 10 kilometre event. |
"Start Runners is a supportive group of runners of all ages and abilities" Alice says. "The run leaders make sure that no person is left behind on the run and are very supportive and knowledgeable." |
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There are always events scheduled in the Park Lands, many of them free, and there are always opportunities to explore the Park Lands on your own, or with friends or family. Browse our "Explore" page for hints about interesting spots to visit. We are about to enter 'Mad March' when Adelaide hosts multiple festivals and events, including the Adelaide Festival, the festival Fringe, and Womadelaide. The Festival Fringe 19 February to 21 March has three of its main venues in the Adelaide Park Lands. There are far too many shows to list here, but you can search or browse all the Fringe Shows at https://adelaidefringe.com.au/ Alternatively, check out the first three (Fringe) venue locations below For more info on any of the events or venues listed below, just click the relevant bold title, or the image. |
| In Rundle Park / Kadlitpina (Park 13) 19 Feb - 21 Mar |
| in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14) 19 Feb - 21 Mar |
| in Hindmarsh Square / Mukata 19 Feb - 21 Mar |
| in Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16). 20 Feb @ 2pm |
| Memorial Drive courts, Tarntanya Wama (Park 26) 22 to 27 Feb |
| The Summerhouse in Elder Park,Tarntanya Wama (Park 26). 26 Feb - 14 Mar. |
| in Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden,Park 12. 27 Feb (Kids Day) to 4 Mar |
| in Rodney King Park/ Ityamai-Itpina (Park 15) 5 to 8 Mar . |
| every day - various start times and meeting points |
| Bonython Park/ Tulya Wardli (Park 27) Sun 7 Mar. Start 8:30 or 11am. |
| thru Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17). Sun 7 Mar 9.30 to 11am |
| in G.S. Kingston Park / Wirraninthi (Park 23) Sun 7 Mar 2pm to 3.30 |
New memorial recognising Vietnamese "boat people" A stunning sculpture commemorating "boat people" from Vietnam now graces Red Gum Park / Karrawirra (Park 12). The 15-metre-long monument honours those people who fled South Vietnam after the Vietnam War ended in 1975. It's near the River Torrens, at the end of Kintore Ave. |
The piece was designed and developed by local artists Tony Rosella and Ash Badios. Read about the monument and the four-year effort behind it at https://www.facebook.com/vbpmAus |
Local kiosk's Fringe "show" The Rymill Park Kiosk has re-opened, but just for the current festival season. Renamed "Colada", the kiosk is open 6 days a week (closed Mondays), 8am - 2pm, serving crepes, sandwiches, cold drinks and coffee. Colada is run by the team behind Adelaide Fringe hub Gluttony. The kiosk sits just outside the boundary fence of the Gluttony site in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14). |
We're pleased to welcome a new member of the APPA team. Acclaimed author, poet, reviewer, former archaeologist and environmental campaigner Rachael Mead will soon begin contributing stories for this newsletter and our social media feeds. |
You can catch Rachael presenting at Adelaide Festival Writers' Week in the Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden in Red Gum Park / Karrawirra (Park 12) at these times: - 6:15pm Sat 27 Feb
- 10:45am Mon 1 March
Skate park: Construction begins The long-anticipated skate park is now under construction in Gladys Elphick Park ./ Narnungga (Park 25) near the corner of West Terrace and Glover Avenue. The pic below is an artist's impression of the finished site. |
The skate park is a joint venture between the State Government and the Adelaide City Council. It's expected to be finished and open before the end of 2021. Read more here: https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/media-centre/construction-starts-on-new-city-skate-park/ |
Contractor appointed for Vic Park wetlands A contractor, Bardavcol, has now been appointed to construct the new wetlands at the southern end of Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16). The site has been cleared, and fenced off over the past few months. Soil has been stored, temporarily in a fenced-off region off Fullarton Road opposite Swaine Avenue at Rose Park. Some of the tracks and exercise equipment in Victoria Park will be unavailable during the construction period over the next few months. |
Join us! You can be a proud Park Lands supporter, with membership starting at only $7.50 (for concession and student membership) expiring 30 June 2021. Longer-term memberships are also available.
We rely almost exclusively on annual membership fees to continue our Park Lands advocacy, so if you haven't already, please consider putting your money where your mouth is and backing APPA to keep up the Park Lands fight.
As a financial member of APPA, you receive: |
Bikeway to link East & West Park Lands? |
The City Council is seeking your feedback on its proposals for an East-west bikeway that would provide a safe cycling route between the eastern and western Park Lands. |
From the top: - Hibiscus and the University footbridge off Victoria Drive in Red Gum Park / Karrawirra (Park 12)
- Red kelpie among the historic olive groves off Wakefield Rd in King Rodney Park / Ityamai-itpina (Park 15). Pic: @murraywatu
- Tennis world #1 Novak Djokovic relaxing in Wellington Square / Kudnartu after being released from hotel quarantime. Pic: ABC-TV news
- Rose beds in Brougham Gardens/ Tantutitingga (Park 29). Pic: Tony SInclair @tony_of_adelaide
- A pair of sister rescue dogs waiting by the billabong in Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27) Pic: @theblackeyedsis
- Ducks following our Guided Walk group in Rundle Park / Kadlitpina (Park 13)
The Park Lands "picoftheday" series has been running since May 2014, and the collection of Park Lands photos gathered over more than six years now numbers over 2,400. We maintain (and gradually grow) more than 40 separate albums: one for each numbered Park and Square, along with several albums for Park Lands sites that are no longer "Open, Green, Public". Contributions are very welcome! Simply post your pic on social media with the tag #adelaideparklands. To find out more about any of these featured Parks, click the link to the Park number. To see the #AdelaideParklands #picoftheday as it's released each morning, just follow us on Facebook, Instagram &/or Twitter. |
Despite being a National Heritage-listed place, the Adelaide Park Lands are not well protected by Federal environmental laws.
That's why we've joined the Places You Love Alliance, to campaign along with 56 other organisations for better environmental protection laws. |
NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody Contributors: Loine Sweeney, Ted Jennings, Kate Treloar Proofreader: Trish Russell
Send content enquiries/submissions to secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au
Here at APPA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only once per month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. Unlike marketing emails, we're not trying to sell you anything, so we hope you'll forgive this intrusion to your InBox. Nevertheless, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
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