anachronism /əˈnakrəˌnɪz(ə)m/ noun a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** As the world suffers from creeping climate catastrophe, and smart investors around the world are looking to divest from polluting fossil fuels, the Premier, Steven Marshall has committed South Australia to keep on subsidising an enormous annual fossil fuel anachronism in the Adelaide Park Lands. APPA wrote to the Premier on 1 June 2020, invoking SA's enviable world-wide reputation as a “clean, green” State, with huge take-up of renewable energy, combined with battery storage. We suggested these benefits were complemented by the world-unique, National Heritage Park Lands garlanding Adelaide. Accordingly, we urged the Premier to end the wasteful State Government subsidy attached to the annual four-day motor racing festival in the eastern Park Lands. However, in his reply on 29 July, the Premier said that: "The State Government is committed to hosting the Superloop Adelaide 500 in the streets of Adelaide as a city-based circuit through to 2021 and beyond." (Our emphasis) |
Nor would the Premier embrace our suggestion of moving the annual event to Tailem Bend. He also rejected our alternative option of reducing the annual build and dismantling time to a minimum of two weeks either side of the event. It is disappointing that a persistent myopic focus on dubious and questionable short-term economic gains (for a few) is still being used as a cover for a four-day celebration of wasted fossil fuels that is so out of step with Adelaide's ethos as a clean green city, embracing renewable energy, and ties up Victoria Park for as much as five months each year. The Premier's letter gives no indication that the State Government has any exit strategy to build more sustainable tourism attractions in the post-COVID era. |
Meanwhile, the northern part of Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) has been pressed into service as a temporary testing station for COVID-19. Pic: ABC-TV News |
We have finally been advised why there has been no apparent progress for more than 20 months in securing State Heritage listing of the Adelaide Park Lands. (See last month's headline story: "19 Months of Delay on State Heritage") A letter from Minister David Speirs on 30 July has advised that Heritage listing won't proceed until there is a Heritage Management Plan for the Park Lands. |
We have finally been advised why there has been no apparent progress for more than 20 months in securing State Heritage listing of the Adelaide Park Lands. (See last month's headline story: "19 Months of Delay on State Heritage") A letter from Minister David Speirs on 30 July has advised that Heritage listing won't proceed until there is a Heritage Management Plan for the Park Lands. |
Such a plan was not regarded as essential before the Park Lands received National Heritage listing in 2008. Nevertheless, it IS common sense to have a Plan which identifies the heritage values that need protection. Having such a plan would also be consistent with the "Burra Charter" which describes the steps that should be taken, in planning for and managing any place of cultural significance. We drew attention to the lack of such a plan within the "Briefs" section of our newsletter in March 2020. |
Such a plan was not regarded as essential before the Park Lands received National Heritage listing in 2008. Nevertheless, it IS common sense to have a Plan which identifies the heritage values that need protection. Having such a plan would also be consistent with the "Burra Charter" which describes the steps that should be taken, in planning for and managing any place of cultural significance. We drew attention to the lack of such a plan within the "Briefs" section of our newsletter in March 2020. |
A Heritage Management Plan would be an important step for the Park Lands, but of course the devil will be in the detail. There is also the question of how much further damage might be done to the Park Lands while the public waits, patiently, for the Plan to emerge from public service corridors. APPA nominated the Park Lands for State Heritage listing in 2009. It has taken so far 11 years to get to this stage, but at least now we have an answer about the current obstacle. Responsibility for drawing up the Heritage Management Plan has been handed to the Heritage Branch of the State Environment Department, in consultation with the City Council. Do they have any budget for doing this work? How long will it take them? Keep watching this space. |
A Heritage Management Plan would be an important step for the Park Lands, but of course the devil will be in the detail. There is also the question of how much further damage might be done to the Park Lands while the public waits, patiently, for the Plan to emerge from public service corridors. APPA nominated the Park Lands for State Heritage listing in 2009. It has taken so far 11 years to get to this stage, but at least now we have an answer about the current obstacle. Responsibility for drawing up the Heritage Management Plan has been handed to the Heritage Branch of the State Environment Department, in consultation with the City Council. Do they have any budget for doing this work? How long will it take them? Keep watching this space. |
The Adelaide Park Lands Authority has deferred plans for a multi-million dollar proposed new sports building on Bundey's Paddock / Tidlangga (Park 9). The sporting fields in Park 9 have been used for decades by Prince Alfred College and its Old Collegians (among others) for both football and cricket. Back in 2017, PAC was advised that, to cater for people playing sport, it would be permitted nothing larger than 375 square metres, for one building to replace two existing sheds. It has taken almost three years for the college to come up with its plans. However, PAC's plans are not in accordance with what it was told, in 2017, would be acceptable. Its new plans are: - not (only) for sport participants, but are now described as "clubrooms" intended to cater for spectators as much as players;
- for a building 10% bigger than the maximum they were advised; and
- for a new driveway from Bundeys Road into the Park, contrary to earlier instructions that the new building should be closer to Bundeys Rd, therefore not needing a driveway.
The Adelaide Park Lands Authority has deferred plans for a multi-million dollar proposed new sports building on Bundey's Paddock / Tidlangga (Park 9). The sporting fields in Park 9 have been used for decades by Prince Alfred College and its Old Collegians (among others) for both football and cricket. Back in 2017, PAC was advised that, to cater for people playing sport, it would be permitted nothing larger than 375 square metres, for one building to replace two existing sheds. It has taken almost three years for the college to come up with its plans. However, PAC's plans are not in accordance with what it was told, in 2017, would be acceptable. Its new plans are: - not (only) for sport participants, but are now described as "clubrooms" intended to cater for spectators as much as players;
- for a building 10% bigger than the maximum they were advised; and
- for a new driveway from Bundeys Road into the Park, contrary to earlier instructions that the new building should be closer to Bundeys Rd, therefore not needing a driveway.
In last month's newsletter we highlighted the fact that a local commercial fitness centre was looking to expand its commercial operations into the proposed new PAC building. APPA welcomes improvements to outdated community facilities such as toilets, showers and change rooms. However, we are vigilant about the alienation of public space by providing more and more private spaces within new buildings, or new roads into Parks . In some recent Park Lands developments, so-called "multi-function" spaces have been built to accommodate private members-only areas, with bars and dining facilities. Catering and functions for sports club members can be held off-site in commercial venues, so that Park Lands are maintained for the public. |
In last month's newsletter we highlighted the fact that a local commercial fitness centre was looking to expand its commercial operations into the proposed new PAC building. APPA welcomes improvements to outdated community facilities such as toilets, showers and change rooms. However, we are vigilant about the alienation of public space by providing more and more private spaces within new buildings, or new roads into Parks . In some recent Park Lands developments, so-called "multi-function" spaces have been built to accommodate private members-only areas, with bars and dining facilities. Catering and functions for sports club members can be held off-site in commercial venues, so that Park Lands are maintained for the public. |
This is PAC's current plan. At its meeting on 6 August, the Park Lands Authority deferred its decision pending provision by PAC of two different options for comparison. Read the (subscriber-only) story on Adelaide Now https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/messenger/city/prince-alfred-colleges-reveals-23m-design-for-parklands-clubrooms-at-park-9/news-story/4f3e7f7b965d114da21228403d418d89 |
The controversial new State Planning Code is due to come into operation within the next few months. The first phase of the Code has already started in rural and remote areas of the State. On Thursday 13 August the State Planning Commission chair, Michael Lennon presented an overview of conservation and zoning issues at a Zoom videoconference for Conservation SA members. Mr Lennon noted that phase 3 of the Planning Code would not commence in September, as previously intended, but would be delayed until later this year. |
Among many other questions, Mr Lennon was asked how the Planning Code would change the existing Development Plan that covers the Park Lands. There have been fears that provisions in the new Code might in some way undermine policies in the statutory Park Lands Management Strategy and the City Council's Community Land Management Plans for the Park Lands. How might public access be affected if developers are green-lighted to erect even more private facilities throughout the Park Lands? We'll have to wait for the final release of the Code to be sure. Mr Lennon told Conservation SA members that the SA Planning Commission intended to be "vigilant and supportive" in that respect but could not offer any firm assurances. Listen to his response here: (MP3 audio file 2 min 24secs, 2.2 Mb) |
Mr Lennon also suggested that Planning SA would consider "potential improvements" to the system. This is a one-size fits all response. Everyone wants an "improved" system but there are widely differing views on what sort of "improvements" are necessary.
Mr Lennon also suggested that Planning SA would consider "potential improvements" to the system. This is a one-size fits all response. Everyone wants an "improved" system but there are widely differing views on what sort of "improvements" are necessary.
A State Parliamentary Committee later this year is expected to hand down a report on the importance of urban green spaces in South Australia. The Natural Resources Committee is made up of seven members of State Parliament (currently four Liberal, two ALP, and one independent). APPA's submission to the Committee's inquiry highlighted the importance of Adelaide's world-unique Park Lands. We made three recommendations "to ensure that the Park Lands are recognised and appreciated by the current generation, and protected for future generations." Our recommendations covered: - State Heritage Listing;
- New legislation to replace the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 creating new governance arrangements for the Park Lands; and
- Raising the public profile of the Park Lands
A State Parliamentary Committee later this year is expected to hand down a report on the importance of urban green spaces in South Australia. The Natural Resources Committee is made up of seven members of State Parliament (currently four Liberal, two ALP, and one independent). APPA's submission to the Committee's inquiry highlighted the importance of Adelaide's world-unique Park Lands. We made three recommendations "to ensure that the Park Lands are recognised and appreciated by the current generation, and protected for future generations." Our recommendations covered: - State Heritage Listing;
- New legislation to replace the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 creating new governance arrangements for the Park Lands; and
- Raising the public profile of the Park Lands
Construction is about to start on the long-awaited Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14). The QKIP has been named in tribute to actor, writer and disability advocate Quentin Kenihan who died two years ago at the age of 43. |
Consultation on the playspace design was held in late 2019. The City Council has now released maps and artist's impressions of how the playspace will be laid out. https://yoursay.cityofadelaide.com.au/QK-playspace The play equipment includes a wheelchair trampoline, sound and sensory garden, water play, swings and a carousel. Other features include: - accessible toilets and a changing place
- accessible paths
- barbecues, shelter and seats
- fully fenced playspace
The Council predicts construction will be finished before the end of the year. |
After more than three years of taking monthly Guided Walks through the Park Lands, APPA is stepping up this initiative, at least during the likely good weather of this coming spring. Our schedule of Guided Walks for the remainder of 2020 has now been released. If you haven't yet enjoyed one of our friendly, helpful explorations, then please give it a go! Book in for one or more of the following (free for APPA members): |
For any of the above walks, please book here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/adelaide-park-lands-preservation-association-30241428470 Tickets are - $7,50 adult (age 16 and over),
- $5.00 concession
- $5.00 children aged 7-15
- Free for APPA members
For children under 7 there is no need to book a ticket If you are an APPA member, you would have received a discount code in an email (check for an email on 2 August) allowing you to apply a 100% discount for your tickets. If you are not yet an APPA member, then please consider joining APPA to support our Park Lands advocacy, and get a discount code to participate in any or all of our Guided Walks for free. |
There are always events scheduled in the Park Lands, many of them free, and there are always opportunities to explore the Park Lands on your own, or with friends or family. Browse our Explore Parks pages for hints about interesting spots to visit. Here are just some of the opportunities in coming weeks: |
There are always events scheduled in the Park Lands, many of them free, and there are always opportunities to explore the Park Lands on your own, or with friends or family. Browse our Explore Parks pages for hints about interesting spots to visit. Here are just some of the opportunities in coming weeks: |
| Guided Walk through Blue Gum Park / Kurangga (Park 20) Sun 30 August, 10.00am to 11.30am Click the pic for details and/or to book |
Guided Walk through Blue Gum Park / Kurangga (Park 20) Sun 30 August, 10.00am to 11.30am Click the pic for details and/or to book |
| Wednesdays, fortnightly until 11 November Pinky Flat, Park 26. Entries close 19 August Click the pic for details |
Wednesdays, fortnightly until 11 November Pinky Flat, Park 26. Entries close 19 August Click the pic for details |
| Epic Adelaide Parklands Dog Walk |
Epic Adelaide Parklands Dog Walk |
A vet's suggestion. Take the walk any time, with your dog! Click pic for details. |
A vet's suggestion. Take the walk any time, with your dog! Click pic for details. |
| Sunday 13 September, Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) Click the pic for details |
Sunday 13 September, Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) Click the pic for details |
| Guided walk through the formal gardens of North Adelaide: Brougham Gardens and Palmer Gardens (Parks 28 and 29) Sunday 13 September 1.30pm to 3.00pm Click the pic for details and/or to book. |
Guided walk through the formal gardens of North Adelaide: Brougham Gardens and Palmer Gardens (Parks 28 and 29) Sunday 13 September 1.30pm to 3.00pm Click the pic for details and/or to book. |
Park Lands Treasure Trail Competition Explore the Park Lands, answer some secret questions and you might be lucky enough to win a lifetime zoo membership. The new Treasure Trail Competition is an Adelaide City Council initiative aiming to get people out and about in the Park Lands. Participants use an online interactive map to unearth answers to competition questions. Entries close Tuesday 1 September. Details at explore.cityofadelaide.com.au/blog/park-lands-treasure-hunt/ |
Park Lands Treasure Trail Competition Explore the Park Lands, answer some secret questions and you might be lucky enough to win a lifetime zoo membership. The new Treasure Trail Competition is an Adelaide City Council initiative aiming to get people out and about in the Park Lands. Participants use an online interactive map to unearth answers to competition questions. Entries close Tuesday 1 September. Details at explore.cityofadelaide.com.au/blog/park-lands-treasure-hunt/ |
Dogs Love Park Lands too! Bringing your furry friend along to enjoy the Park Lands just got easier with a new blog page highlighting dog-friendly activities in Adelaide. See explore.cityofadelaide.com.au/blog/dogs-of-adelaide/ for numerous Park Lands-based trails and dog parks. For the inevitable hunger brought on by such activities, there's also a helpful list of dog-friendly cafes. |
Dogs Love Park Lands too! Bringing your furry friend along to enjoy the Park Lands just got easier with a new blog page highlighting dog-friendly activities in Adelaide. See explore.cityofadelaide.com.au/blog/dogs-of-adelaide/ for numerous Park Lands-based trails and dog parks. For the inevitable hunger brought on by such activities, there's also a helpful list of dog-friendly cafes. |
Own a Park Lands Art Prize artwork With dozens of unique and diverse artworks still available for purchase, there really is something for everybody to in this year's Park Lands Art Prize! From painted canvases to sculpture, glasswork to photography, and even a chair, the Park Lands-inspired diversity is breathtaking. Purchasing artwork also supports the participating artists in these difficult times. An exhibition of the 77 finalists' works will appear at the Adelaide Festival Centre from 4 December 2020 to 30 January 2021. To purchase any of the remaining artworks in the meantime, visit: www.parklandsart.com/ (Note: purchased artworks will be available to collect from 30 January 2021.) |
Own a Park Lands Art Prize artwork With dozens of unique and diverse artworks still available for purchase, there really is something for everybody to in this year's Park Lands Art Prize! From painted canvases to sculpture, glasswork to photography, and even a chair, the Park Lands-inspired diversity is breathtaking. Purchasing artwork also supports the participating artists in these difficult times. An exhibition of the 77 finalists' works will appear at the Adelaide Festival Centre from 4 December 2020 to 30 January 2021. To purchase any of the remaining artworks in the meantime, visit: www.parklandsart.com/ (Note: purchased artworks will be available to collect from 30 January 2021.) |
Pictured above: five of the 77 finalists. Clockwise from top left: |
Pictured above: five of the 77 finalists. Clockwise from top left: |
Adelaide High School - expansion plans released At the City Council meeting on 11 August 2020 the plans for expansion of Adelaide High School in Ellis Park / Tampawardli (Park 24) were finally revealed to the public.
As we confirmed in our newsletter of June 2020, the extension is planned to go upwards, rather than outwards. |
Adelaide High School - expansion plans released At the City Council meeting on 11 August 2020 the plans for expansion of Adelaide High School in Ellis Park / Tampawardli (Park 24) were finally revealed to the public.
As we confirmed in our newsletter of June 2020, the extension is planned to go upwards, rather than outwards. |
Mosf of the Park 24 site is controlled by the Educatioin Department but it needs City Council approval for work on the southern wing which extends into the Council-controlled portion of the Park. |
The Council has now given its go-ahead for the project, with a new 42-year lease of that part of Park 24. |
The Council has now given its go-ahead for the project, with a new 42-year lease of that part of Park 24. |
"Lot Fourteen" artists impressions The State Government has taken the unusual step of releasing artist's impressions of a building that it wants a private developer to build on Park 11 in the Park Lands. The Premier Steven Marshall is offering part of the world-unique Park Lands to any company that can pitch an idea to catch the Government's eye. This is the sort of thing that the Government would prefer, on a premium part of the world-unique, National Heritage-listed Adelaide Park Lands. |
"Lot Fourteen" artists impressions The State Government has taken the unusual step of releasing artist's impressions of a building that it wants a private developer to build on Park 11 in the Park Lands. The Premier Steven Marshall is offering part of the world-unique Park Lands to any company that can pitch an idea to catch the Government's eye. This is the sort of thing that the Government would prefer, on a premium part of the world-unique, National Heritage-listed Adelaide Park Lands. |
More information in this ($$ subscriber-only) story from 29 July. For the background to the so-called "Lot Fourteen" (the old RAH site) see: http://www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/oldrah |
More information in this ($$ subscriber-only) story from 29 July. For the background to the so-called "Lot Fourteen" (the old RAH site) see: http://www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/oldrah |
Join us! You can be a proud Park Lands supporter, with membership starting at only $15 (for concession and student membership) expiring 30 June 2021. Longer-term memberships are also available.
We rely almost exclusively on annual membership fees to continue our Park Lands advocacy, so if you haven't already, please consider putting your money where your mouth is and backing APPA to keep up the Park Lands fight. Join here: www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/membership
As a financial member of APPA, you receive: |
Join us! You can be a proud Park Lands supporter, with membership starting at only $15 (for concession and student membership) expiring 30 June 2021. Longer-term memberships are also available.
We rely almost exclusively on annual membership fees to continue our Park Lands advocacy, so if you haven't already, please consider putting your money where your mouth is and backing APPA to keep up the Park Lands fight. Join here: www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/membership
As a financial member of APPA, you receive: |
For existing members, renewal invitations were sent out during June and July. |
For existing members, renewal invitations were sent out during June and July. |
Positions Vacant - Newsletter Deputy Editors (2 positions) |
Positions Vacant - Newsletter Deputy Editors (2 positions) |
| - Do you have media experience or training?
- Are you passionate about the Park Lands?
- Are you looking for experience or to give something to your community
- Do you have media experience or training?
- Are you passionate about the Park Lands?
- Are you looking for experience or to give something to your community
| We are seeking two Deputy Editors. You would assist the Editor with the sourcing and compilation of material for this monthly newsletter. This is a volunteer position. Time committment negotiable. Contact secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au to express your interest. |
We are seeking two Deputy Editors. You would assist the Editor with the sourcing and compilation of material for this monthly newsletter. This is a volunteer position. Time committment negotiable. Contact secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au to express your interest. |
Video of the month - missing this month! Sorry! We have been so busy on other matters - including the expanded schedule of our regular Guided Walks - that the Video of the Month has been held over. The video for Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27) is in production, and should be available next month, in our September newsletter. In the meantime, please catch up with one or more of our videos (for Park 1 through to Park 26) at our YouTube Channel. |
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From the top: - Running along the River Torrens Linear Pathway near Hackney Rd in Mistletoe Park / Tainmuntilla (Park 11)
- One of the residents of Lefevre Park / Nantu Wama (Park 6). Pic: Fiona Caulfield @lovetravel_Australia
- A walking trail near Mills Tce through Possum Park / Pirltawardli (Park 1)
- Part of the TreeClimb Adventure Course in Blue Gum Park / Kurangga (Park 20). Pic: Denise Norton-Wangel
- Ducks in a row alongside the River Torrens Linear Pathway near the Zoo in Mistletoe Park / Tainmuntilla (Park 11) Pic: Matt Jorgensen @carringbush69
- Cyclists passing an APPA Guided Walk group in Bonython Park/ Tulya Wardli (Park 27)
The Park Lands "photo of the day" series has been running since May 2014, and the collection of Park Lands photos gathered over almost six years now numbers over 2,200. We maintain (and gradually grow) more than 40 separate albums: one for each numbered Park and Square, along with several albums for "Alienations". Contributions are very welcome! To find out more about any of these featured Parks, click the link to the Park number. To see the #AdelaideParklands #picoftheday as it's released each morning, just follow us on Facebook, Instagram &/or Twitter. |
Despite being a National Heritage-listed place, the Adelaide Park Lands are not well protected by Federal environmental laws.
That's why we've joined the Places You Love Alliance, to campaign along with 56 other organisations for better environmental protection laws. |
Despite being a National Heritage-listed place, the Adelaide Park Lands are not well protected by Federal environmental laws.
That's why we've joined the Places You Love Alliance, to campaign along with 56 other organisations for better environmental protection laws. |
NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody Contributors: Ted Jennings, Kate Treloar Proofreader: Trish Russell
Send content enquiries/submissions to secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au
NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody Contributors: Ted Jennings, Kate Treloar Proofreader: Trish Russell
Send content enquiries/submissions to secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au
Here at APPA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only once per month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. Unlike marketing emails, we're not trying to sell you anything, so we hope you'll forgive this intrusion to your InBox. Nevertheless, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
Here at APPA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only once per month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. Unlike marketing emails, we're not trying to sell you anything, so we hope you'll forgive this intrusion to your InBox. Nevertheless, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
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