No. 69 - 14 February 2024 If this email is not displaying properly (e.g. if it's truncated or there are no pictures) then click here to view this email in your web browser |
by Shane Sody Premier Peter Malinauskas has confirmed that another area, legally part of your Park Lands, will soon be handed over to private developers. There’s been no public consultation, no tender, nothing except secret negotiations behind closed doors, but the heirs and shareholders of the late Lang Walker are about to become much richer by building over land taken from your Park Lands.
by Shane Sody Take our short survey to tell us about you and your Park Lands. What’s important to you? How could we improve our role? It’ll take about eight minutes to choose your responses; and there are ten prizes of Park Lands merchandise to be won, for completed surveys.
Who likes fresh olives? It turns out that some of your Park Lands possums really love them, and others don’t. Here’s the latest report from our Park Lands possum researcher, Tara McKenzie.
by Jeannie White Our series of stories, Know Your Park Lands Art, introduces you to various creative displays within your Adelaide Park Lands. This statue, “Simpson and his donkey” was unveiled 14 years ago, in Angas Gardens in your Park 12.
We are a grassroots community organisation. We Explore, Inspire, Protect, and Restore. But we are only as strong as our Members; our Volunteers; and our Donors.
You are receiving the non-members version of this newsletter which means you're not (yet) a Member of our team, or perhaps a previous membership has expired. Will you help us? There are three ways to do that: as a Member, as a Volunteer or as a Donor. |
If you were to become an APA member, then you would then be able to book for any of our Guided Walks for free, and you would also unlock 15% discounts to all the merch in the APA Shop. More importantly, your membership fee (as low as $20 per year for a single concession) would be tangible support for our Park Lands strategies: Explore, Inspire, Protect and Restore. If you were to become a volunteer, there would be a wide range of things you could do to help in one or more of our strategic activities. For example, - becoming a Park Ambassador; and/or
- writing stories for our blog and future editions of this newsletter.
Check out the full range of volunteer options here. |
Here's a list of romantic date spots to enjoy in our city – including in your Adelaide Park Lands. Whether you’re loved-up or single, there are plenty of options for hanging out in the CBD, solo or otherwise, this Valentine’s Day.
by Esperanza Pretila Mad March in Adelaide starts in the middle of February! Your Park Lands are home to lots of venues for the Fringe, the Adelaide Festival, and WOMADelaide. But it’s time for more than just entertainment. Even in the Festival season, our own Guided Walks, Trees for Life bushcare, and Clean Up Australia Day activities are all on during February-March in your Adelaide Park Lands.
by Shane Sody Some Adelaide City Councillors have belatedly realised that fences around sporting facilities in your Park Lands discourage public access. It remains to be seen whether this newfound awareness will translate into any policy changes to encourage access to your Open, Green, Public heritage.
An international student from Indonesia has been identified as the victim of a freak accident after a tree partially collapsed in Bullrush Park / Warnpangga (Park 10). 22-year-old Alifia Soeryo has been remembered by friends as “an avid bike rider, Taylor Swift fan, and loving friend”.
Do you have an office or business with public access, such as cafe, or shop? If so, can you please put some Park Lands leaflets on display, for the public to take? We have thousands of generic 'Love Your Park Lands' leaflets and hundreds of other "Explore" (ie Trail Guide) leaflets to different Parks. Locations near your Park Lands would be ideal, but any public-facing Adelaide metro location will be welcome!
Please contact and ask to have some leaflets dropped off to you. |
| Why is this motor racing detritus persisting in your Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) long after the Adelaide 500 event ended last November? The answer is simply that the State Government has another motor racing festival scheduled for the Park over the weekend 15-17 March. |
There is no date set for final clearance of this detritus - but it will probably take until about mid-April. |
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NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody
Contributors (to this issue): Carla Caruso, Esperanza Pretila, Tara McKenzie, Jeannie White. Layout: Sabrina Iqbal Proofreader: Trish Russell
Send content enquiries/submissions to:
Here at APA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only twice per month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. However, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
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