e-Gazette No. 69 - 14 December 2020 If this email is not displaying properly (e.g. if it's truncated or there are no pictures) then click here to view this email in your web browser |
Work is well underway on what is the largest earthmoving task in the Adelaide Park Lands this century. Truckloads of soil are being re-located within Victoria Park / Pakananthi (Park 16) to create a new urban wetland in the southern section of the Park. |
Last month, the first stage of the project was carried out - removing a grove of white poplar trees (characterised as "woody weeds") to clear the location for the new wetlands. |
However the small depression that's been left is just the beginning of the major works. |
Stage 2 involves spreading excess soil over a wide area of Victoria Park about 150 metres further north of the new wetland site. |
Soil is being spread, temporarily, over a wide area in the eastern centre region of Victoria Park, off Fullarton Road (opposite Grant Avenue) |
Stage 3 will be the next, major part of the works - the actual construction of the wetland, early next year. Plants are being grown in nurseries so they will be ready for planting when the earthworks are completed. |
The project is being overseen by the Brown Hill and Keswick Creeks Stormwater Board- a subsidiary of five metropolitan local governments. It is intended to mitigate the risk of flooding on these creeks during winter. The project is also intended to improve safety and biodiversity along the South Park Lands creek, and create a scenic haven to attract visitors to the southern part of Victoria Park. |
| Vickie Chapman, MP. State Member for Bragg - has a lot of different hats to wear. Ms Chapman is Deputy Premier, Attorney-General and is also the Minister for Planning and Local Government. |
There are literally hundreds of different State laws for which she has responsibility as the relevant Minister. One of those Acts is the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005. which has been ineffective in keeping the Park Lands Open Green and Public. It's also been ineffective in reclaiming and reinstating Park Lands as Open Green and Public when areas, such as the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, were no longer needed for previous purposes. (See our detailed explanation here) |
We wrote to the Minister in September, seeking a meeting to look at ways of improving the management, protection and promotion of Adelaide's world-unique resource. We also asked how the Government might support both the currently-stalled State Heritage listing and potential future World Heritage listing of the Park Lands. On Friday 11 December, we were given a fair hearing in the Attorney-General's 19th floor office. Ms Chapman did not make any promises but listened to our suggestions for possible amendment of the Adelaide Park Lands Act to improve protection for the Park Lands. We will be following up with the Minister's advisor in the New Year. |
From left: Vickie Chapman MP; Shane Sody (APPA President), and Stephanie Johnston (APPA Committee Member & Adelaide Park Lands Authority Member) |
We also discussed the likely effect of the new Planning and Design Code on the Park Lands. We have been concerned that the provisions of a single “City Park Lands Zone” would offer insufficient tailored protection for an 'Open Green and Public' Park Lands. APPA successfully lobbied for a renamed Adelaide Park Lands Zone that directly references the principle of public access. We also lobbied for recognition of the National Heritage values in the new planning system. A second round of consultation on the Planning Code is about to conclude on Friday 18 December. The Minister warned that the new Code would definitely be coming into effect in the New Year but agreed it would be appropriate to review the content of the Code after an initial period of operaton. You can comment on the Planning and Design Code by Friday 18th December (if you can understand it!) at this link: https://consult.code.plan.sa.gov.au/ |
The controversial Adelaide Oval hotel - the third hotel to be built on the Adelaide Park Lands - is once again in financial difficulty, and getting yet another financial relief package from you as a taxpayer. The private Adelaide Oval Hotel has turned this part of Tarntanya Wama (Park 26) into the very opposite of an Open Green Public space. It was constructed with a taxpayer guaranteed $42 million loan, yet still needs State Government support to fulfill its legal obligations. |
The latest bailout announced by Treasurer Rob Lucas is a waiver of a $1 million obligation to contribute to a sinking fund. This takes total taxpayer long-term liability to the Oval Hotel to $50 million. The hotel's damage to the heritage values and character of Tarntanya Wama (Park 26) has not been calculated. |
One letter to the editor commented: "Haven’t ‘The Boys’ had enough? The hotel had to be built to support the Oval. We are now giving money to support the support. Maybe now is the time to say enough and to stop exposing the whole community to debt." Read the story in InDaily: https://indaily.com.au/news/2020/12/09/lucas-extends-largesse-to-adelaide-oval-operators/ Review the sorry saga of the Oval Hotel on our website. |
There are 74 artists whose works were selected, last January, as finalists for this year's $38,500 Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize. Each one of them has been remarkably patient as COVID-19 has played havoc with the scheduling of the judging and exhibition of their wonderful art works. Scheduled dates, firstly in April and then in December both had to be shelved as the Festival Centre was unable to host the exhibition at those times. At least 19 works have been sold (so far) from the Park Lands Art Prize website, and these artists have already received their payment. But for the others, it's been a frustrating wait, as two previously-scheduled dates for the judging and exhibition have come and gone. The exhibition is set to be rescheduled (third time lucky, we expect) at the Adelaide Festival Centre over several weeks before and after the month of April. The dates are not yet confirmed but we're expecting the judging of winners some time in mid-to-late March and a public exhibition of about six weeks to follow. To date, only one artist has formally withdrawn a work from the exhibition. For the others, a very big THANK YOU for hanging in there with us, waiting for your work to be on public display! |
Left to right, from the top: - Deborah Baldassi: "Crows" - pen and ink on paper
- Jane Price: "Clouds" - porcelain
- Dana Kinter: "Falling Slowly, Red Wattle Bird and Red Flowering Gum" - pencil and acrylic on timber board
- Jessica Mah: "My Park Puzzle" - acrylic on canvas
To browse all finalists and purchase any art works that are still unsold, see https://www.parklandsart.com/ |
As part of our partnership with the National Trust, we've released the eleventh in our series of "Trail Guides" or "Tours" of various parts of the Park Lands. |
The concept is simple - just take along your smartphone or tablet for the walk. Using the Trail Guide you'll learn about 13 different sites within King Rodney park / Ityamai-itpina (Park 15) - (i.e. the park between Bartels Road and Wakefield Rd). Each of our Trail Guides contain not just written notes but also recent and historic photos, diagrams and maps. You have a choice of either reading the Guide yourself, from your screen, or having it read aloud to you, as audio commentary while you walk. |
The walk is about one and a half to two kilometres and takes about an hour. We are aiming to make available, eventually, a Trail Guide like this for every part of the Park Lands. See the full list of the 11 Trail Guides available so far at www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/guided-walks |
This month's Park Lands 'Video of the Month' features the smallest Park within the Adelaide Parlk Lands. |
Thanks to Sophie Yelland of Adelaide University for the script and some of the videography. Thanks also to Marion Yelland for the narration. Next month: Brougham Gardens/ Tantutitingga (Park 29). Catch up on videos for other parts of the Park Lands on our YouTube channel |
In last month's newsletter, we praised the State Government for funding a $45 million upgrade of Hindmarsh Stadium. We portrayed it as a win-win for soccer and the Adelaide Park Lands. We expressed hope that the decision might kill off demands from property developers for a proposed billion-dollar new stadium and commercial zone within Helen Mayo Park (Park 27). However our optimism might have been misplaced. Like a character in Monty Python's "Holy Grail" movie, the big-money is still fighting on, trying to take away Helen Mayo Park in your Park 27 |
The Venue Management Corporation still wants to transfer its Entertainment Centre from Hindmarsh to put it onto and kill Park Lands within Park 27. And unlike Monty Python's forlorn Black Knight, it seems the Corporation really has suffered only a minor "flesh wound". The State Government is still listening to the Corporation's insistent demands.
The plan does not identify any particular site, but neither does it rule out targeting YOUR Park Lands: "Inner City Stadium A facility or facilities, centrally located and able to host any combination of court sport, field sport, convention and entertainment events would enhance SA’s ability to attract and retain international events, conventions and concerts" The Sunday Mail recently reported ($$ subscriber-only link) that the new stadium was likely to be announced in the leadup to the 2022 State election. |
The newspaper story predicted that at least one hotel, offices, shops and medical buildings would be built alongside. If you think that Park Lands should be Open, Green and Public, then please help us to Take Action. www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/take-action |
The City Council is going through a compulsory process of "public consultation" on one of its many "Community Land Management Plans" that it is legally obliged to produce for all parts of the Park Lands. This Plan, for the Adelaide Oval Precinct, however, is unlike all the others. That's because very little of the Adelaide Oval Precinct in Park 26 is Open, Green and Public. Most of the Adelaide Oval Precinct is controlled by long-term corporate leases. |
The Oval The Council has no control or influence over what the State Government allows at Adelaide Oval "Core Area". For example, the Council opposed the State Government's cosy deal to get a hotel built at Adelaide Oval, but was powerless to prevent it. The Stadium Management Authority has a lease until the year 2091. Tennis lease Tennis SA, Memorial Drive Tennis Club, and Next Gen fitness centre have private use of most of the area between Adelaide Oval and War Memorial Drive, under leases (granted by the City Council) that continue for many decades. Therefore this Community Land Management Plan, on which you are being "consulted" is (for the most part) simply an exercise in ticking a legal box. This Council "Plan" is mostly just recognising how powerless you are to restore any part of this area to become Open Green and Public. This land is (mostly) closed and private, for the benefit of the leaseholders and their paying customers. |
So, if you respond, what might you be allowed to influence? - a proposal for a small new grandstand (100 seats) at Adelaide Oval No. 2
- scheduling and size of outdoor events at Adelaide Oval No. 2 (eight times a year, up to 15,000 attendees)
- the size of "permanent" car parks on the northern side of the Oval (106 spaces) and at Memorial Drive. See the images immediately above.
Here's where to have "YourSay": http://www.yoursay.cityofadelaide.com.au/clmp-review |
The City Council faced ridicule and public backlash this year by promoting November as "driver's month" with subsidies to promote private car use in the City.
Three academics have now entered the debate, arguing that the City Council's tactic to re-invigorate the City was misguided. |
Their paper, published in "The Conversation" argues that cities need a post-COVID vision of more and better green space, and promotion of walking, cycling and public transport - rather than simply a reflexive deference to private motor vehicles. |
APPA recently pointed out how much of the Open Green Pubic space of YOUR Adelaide Park Lands has been lost under bitumen car parks |
There are always events scheduled in the Park Lands, many of them free, and there are always opportunities to explore the Park Lands on your own, or with friends or family. Browse our Explore Parks pages for hints about interesting spots to visit. Here are just some of the opportunities in coming weeks: |
| Wed 16 Dec, from noon in Pirltawardli (Park 1). Free but bookings required. Click the pic for details. |
| Hindmarsh Square Fri 18 Dec 12 noon - 2pm. Music, comedy, magic and circus. Click the pic for details |
| 24 Dec. Victoria Square 7.30 to 10.30pm. Free family entertainment. Click the pic for details |
| Bonython Park (Park 27). 18 shows between 30 Dec and 30 Jan. Click the pic for details |
| Guided Walk through Rundle Park (Park 13) |
Sun 17 Jan, 9.30am to 11. Click the pic for details and/or to book. |
| Sun 24 Jan, Victoria Park/Pakapakanthi (Park 16). Click the pic for details |
World Music Lovers coming back to Park Lands Rising out of the uncertainty facing any event in this new COVID era, WOMAD has confirmed it will proceed in 2021. It will look different to past events, however. The first main change being the location. Next year's event will be in King Rodney Park / Ityamai-itpina (Park 15). This marks a major departure from its iconic Botanic Park setting where it has been held since 1992. The event will also look different inside in order to be COVID-safe. There will be reserved seating, appropriately spaced, and all the sanitising and social distancing that is now becoming familiar in this new normal. |
The lineup features (among others) Midnight Oil, Archie Roach, Vika and Linda, and Sarah Blasko. Tickets and more information at www.womadelaide.com.au |
Get rid of excess bitumen - Premier urged The South-East City Residents Association (SECRA) has written to Premier Steven Marshall urging him to authorise the removal of this bitumen expanse from Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16). This swathe of bitumen is part of the detritus left from 35 years of fossil fuel motor racing that routinely swallowed a large part of Victoria Park most years since 1985. SECRA's letter to te Premier says: "the State Government should be responsible for the removal of infrastructure that is no longer required such as the gravel arrester bed on the East Terrace and Flinders Street Corner and reinstalling the street lights along Hutt Street to increase community safety." |
The fate of Victoria Park could be determined by the Labor Party after the State election in March 2022, as the ALP has made a foolish opportunistic promise that, if it wins the election, it would throw more taxpayer money to prop up this anachronistic, polluting sport. An on-line petition is urging Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas, not to bring fossil fuel racing cars back to a clean, green park. |
Join us! You can be a proud Park Lands supporter, with membership starting at only $15 (for concession and student membership) expiring 30 June 2021. Longer-term memberships are also available.
We rely almost exclusively on annual membership fees to continue our Park Lands advocacy, so if you haven't already, please consider putting your money where your mouth is and backing APPA to keep up the Park Lands fight.
As a financial member of APPA, you receive: |
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From the top: - Touch football in Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) off Greenhill Rd
- Mini-daschund in Blue Gum Park / Kurangga (Park 20) off Peacock Rd. Pic: @rubi.star19
- After a bike ride, a picnic in Peppermint Park / Wita Wirra (Park 18) off South Tce
- River Torrens at Pinky Flat in Tarntanya Wama (Park 26). Pic: @insta_darin
- Flowers and the lake in Rymill Park / Murlawirapurka (Park 14). Pic: @mike_s_mclaren
- Video recording of dancers in Whitmore Square/ Iparrityi
The Park Lands "photo of the day" series has been running since May 2014, and the collection of Park Lands photos gathered over more than six years now numbers over 2,400. We maintain (and gradually grow) more than 40 separate albums: one for each numbered Park and Square, along with several albums for "Alienations". Contributions are very welcome! Simply tag your photos on social media with #adelaideparklands. To find out more about any of these featured Parks, click the link to the Park number. To see the #AdelaideParklands #picoftheday as it's released each morning, just follow us on Facebook, Instagram &/or Twitter. |
Despite being a National Heritage-listed place, the Adelaide Park Lands are not well protected by Federal environmental laws.
That's why we've joined the Places You Love Alliance, to campaign along with 56 other organisations for better environmental protection laws. |
NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody Contributors: Ted Jennings, Kate Treloar Proofreader: Trish Russell
Send content enquiries/submissions to secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au
Here at APPA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only once per month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. Unlike marketing emails, we're not trying to sell you anything, so we hope you'll forgive this intrusion to your InBox. Nevertheless, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
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