No. 01 - 16 May 2021 If this newsletter is not displaying properly (e.g. if it's truncated or there are no pictures) then click here to view it in your web browser |
A new campaign encouraging South Australians to 'Love Your Park Lands' was launched yesterday, Saturday 15 May in Botanic Park (Park 11). Sixteen 'Park Ambassadors' appointed by the Adelaide Park Lands Association launched the campaign, along with the Association's new logo, and shortened name. The logo features a stylised heart shape, in green, using the outline of the City of Adelaide, and its Park Lands. |
The "Love Your Park Lands" campaign has four themes: - "Explore" which includes Guided Walks in the Park Lands;
- "Inspire" incorporating the biennial Park Lands Art Prize, and encouraging Adelaideans to post their pics with the tag #adelaideparklands;
- "Protect" which includes action to prevent further Park Lands losses; and
- "Restore" which includes re-greening parts of the Park Lands previously lost.
The Park Lands Authority is allowing us to start planning for a "Restore" (re-greening) pilot project off Port Road in your Bonython Park /Tulya Wardli (Park 27). The Adelaide Park Lands Association proposed to the Authority that we would work with a range of volunteer groups and individuals to restore part of this bitumen car park to a green and inviting community space. See story #2 below. |
The campaign to "Love Your Park Lands" is an initiative of the newly re-named Adelaide Park Lands Association. The Association is re-positioning itself as a facilitator - seeking partnerships with the City Council, other community groups and individuals to share and spread the message: "Love Your Park Lands" AND actions that are consistent with that message, as we "Explore" "Inspire" "Protect" and "Restore".. |
If you support our vision of loving your Park Lands as "OPEN, GREEN, PUBLIC" then please join us. Membership starts from as little as $15 per year. |
The City Council has given us the go-ahead to start planning a re-greening project on part of a bitumen car park, off Port Road in your Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27). It's a small first step in what we hope will become, over time, a successful series of re-greening projects in various parts of your Park Lands. But first, we have to show that we can do this, at a small initial site. To get re-greening kickstarted, we need your help! |
In response to our request last year, the Park Lands Authority has invited us to form a small group to plan an initial re-greening at this site. The proposed re-greening would claw back only a small part of this bitumen car park - just 282 square metres (14 metres x 20 metres) adjacent to Port Road, directy opposite the Thebarton tram stop, near the traffic lights at the corner of Port Road and Light Terrace. An initial planning group (likely no more than 10 members) would draw up a plan and a proposed schedule of works to submit to the Park Lands Authority before on-ground work begins. If you are able to help with planning, please come to the initial startup meeting on site, at 11am on Saturday 5 June. |
A totally different type of re-greening is already under way in your Reservoir Park / Kangatilla (Park 4) near the corner of Lefevre Rd and Main North Rd. |
This is described as a "Biodiverse Carbon Offset Planting demonstration project". For most of the 20th century, this site was home to the "Fitzroy Croquet Club". Since 2004 it's been an area of irrigated Kikuyu and Couch grass without any trees. Here's what it looked like until a few weeks ago: |
This area of about 3,000 square metres is about to be planted with more than 500 local native tube-stock seedlings from the Mallee Box Woodland ecological community. This is intended to be a demonstration site rather than a fully functioning carbon sequestration project of the kind that would be eligible for carbon offset credits. Here's what it looked like on Thursday 13 May, with the grass gone, mulch spread over the area, and holes ready for new tree plantings: |
The site will have signage and an interpretive trail about the benefits of carbon offset plantings and the differences between biodiverse carbon offset plantings and carbon-offset areas planted out in plantation-style. The new trail is wheelchair accessible, and the existing Park Lands Trail has been retained. Come along to our Guided Walk today (Sunday 16 May, from 2pm) to check out progress on the plantings. |
The days of having hundreds of cars choking this part of your Park Lands off Port Road may be, slowly, coming to an end. |
This site has up to 350 cars here at any one time. In addition to our pilot project to re-green a small part of this car park (see story #2 above), this City Council has also approved, in principle, the replacement of car parking with beach volleyball courts and other "recreation spaces" in a "youth activity hub". |
The council-owned City Beach volleyball courts in Pirie Street (above) are being sold and the Council asked the Park Lands Authority to consider including beach volleyball in the plans for the Port Rd site. This (below) is the "in-principle" layout that has been endorsed by the Park Lands Authority. Note that there is a small building (150m2) proposed for Volleyball SA to administer games on the courts. |
The Park Lands Management Strategy endorses a reduction in cark parking on the Park Lands and enhancing the Park Lands frontages along Port Road and Park Terrace. So far, neither the Council nor Volleyball SA has any funding to put these plans into effect.. Volleyball SA intends to approach the State Government to secure funding for the project. Any delay in funding for the "youth activity hub" would not affect our proposed re-greening in the southern section of this site. Our re-greening pilot project - as outlined in story 2 above - is intended to proceed either with or without funding from the State Government or the Council. |
There are two versions of this newsletter - one for members, and one for non-members. You are reading the non-members version, We're so glad that you're keeping up with news about your Park Lands through this newsletter. But you can make more of an impact if you take the next step and join us as a member.
All support is valuable but MEMBERSHIP is what really counts. We need YOU on our team to EXPLORE your Park Lands, and INSPIRE you to PROTECT and RESTORE |
As a financial member of APA, you receive: - the priceless satisfaction of supporting our work;
- free participation in our monthly guided Park Lands walks;
- eligibility to become a Park Ambassador and lead an annual guided walk through one Park;
- the responsibility to help guide our activities through the Annual General Meeting;
- the opportunity to join the Managing Committee;
- a personalised printable PDF membership certificate (as above).
Why not give a membership subscription as a gift? To become a member, visit |
One of the best-kept City Council secrets of 2018 has emerged from the shadows. In that year, before the Council election of November 2018, the former City Council commissioned a secret report into possible privatisation options for the North Adelaide golf courses on your Possum Park / Pirltawardli (Park 1) including a possible new multi-million dollar function centre. However a consultant's report on the proposal was strictly confidential and no Council member was allowed to reveal the plan. |
Parts of the consultant's report have finally been released. They show proposals for changing the layout of the three golf courses, and a fenced driving range. More importanty, the report also canvasses (in a proposed "Stage 2") erecting a new "Function Centre / Clubhouse, Maintenance Facility" on or near the site of an 1840's Kaurna school - the original "Pirltawardli school". |
Photo: Catherine Manning, History SA Surprisingly this recommendation was made without any reference to the Council's own Reconciliation Committee nor the Kaurna community. |
In 2018, the City Council "deferred" the matter pending "consultation with the Kaurna community" but it's understood no such consultation has been undertaken. Nor has any action been taken to implement the report's recommendations for golf course upgrades. Nevertheless, the Council on 11 May 2021 refused to release the whole of the report and most of its detail is blacked out, redacted as still being commercial-in-confidence. You can see the redacted report here. (PDF, 13 pages, 7.8 Mb) |
Your Park 20, known as Blue Gum Park / Kurangga, is a magnet for kids and families, particularly on weekends and holidays. Bordered by South Terrace and Unley, Greenhill and Peacock Roads, this park features large, well-equipped facilities including the Tree Climb Aerial Adventure, BMX bike tracks and a Glover playground, as well as open woodland native vegetation. |
While it’s within ‘coo-ee’ of the city, Blue Gum Park is a great place for kids to lose themselves in nature as they actively challenge themselves on the safe, well-designed equipment, scaling the trees with the benefit of on-site training and support, or building their bike skills as they negotiate the well-designed tracks. Last weekend, I found two grandfathers enjoying themselves as much as their grandchildren with the different facilities, despite the imminent rain. While neither of them lived near the Park Lands, both Michael O’Kelly and John Doherty separately made a date with their grandkids to visit this terrific public asset. For Michael, it was his first time joining Harvey, aged 9, and Daisy, 6, at the BMX track. “I think it’s a wonderful experience for them, building up their confidence with riding bikes and also in mixing generally with other kids,” he said. “It is so different here in the Park Lands than having a BMX track in a more built-up area. It may look more dangerous, but in fact it’s a lot safer because you’re not worried about cars… I think it’s a wonderful initiative and a great use of the parklands - fantastic.”
| Michael O’Kelly encouraging his grandchildren, Daisy and Harvey on the impressive BMX tracks. |
His grandson, Harvey, said the track was a lot more challenging than other BMX tracks. “You can practice more here in the Park Lands - there is so much space. I would tell others they should definitely bring their bikes when they are here.” Daisy is just starting out on her BMX journey. “It can be scary at first, but it’s fun,” she said. Michael says they’ve also tried out the nearby Tree Climb. "I think these are wonderful ways to bring people into the Park Lands. You can just observe; it’s as good as participating! Having these facilities here is a wonderful advantage for kids and their families," he said. |
| James Doherty and grandson, Aiden, going through their paces on the climbing equipment before scaling the trees. |
Starting out on the tree climbing equipment were James Doherty and his grandson, Aiden, aged 10. James said they received excellent instruction before making their first foray on the equipment. “It was very informative and helped allay concerns and fears that anyone could have.” He said the public facilities were a good adjunct use of the Adelaide Park Lands. “I think this brings people to the Park Lands who may not normally utilise them. I’d say they may be used a lot by schools and for sport, but if you’re not part of that you may, more often than not, pass through the Park Lands in the traffic and not stop. And when you simply drive through, you don’t appreciate how much there is.” Sporting a broad smile, his grandson, Aiden, said it was a lot of fun being out in the Park Lands. ”There’s a lot of wildlife, like birds in the trees. It’s very relaxing and makes everyone happy.” |
The City of Adelaide is examining where it might build a new Aquatic Centre. Apparently it's NOT considering any option to return the entirety of your Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) to Open, Green, Public space. Rather, the Council's investigation of possible sites is limited only to sites within the same Park 2 - as per the diagram below. |
In 2020, Councillor Greg Mackie was trying to gather support for putting a new Aquatic Centre into Franklin Street, on Council-owned land next to the Adelaide bus depot. If Franklin Street, or another brownfields site were to be chosen for a new Aquatic Centre, it would allow the return of the entirety of your Park 2 to the world-unique, National-Heritage listed Park Lands. The City Council also started discussions with neighbouring Councils about co-operating to build a new regional Aquatic Centre, which might have been located in a near-city suburb. If the Council does walk away from these other options, it would be a lost opportunity for the Park Lands that you love. See also this report in the City Messenger. ($$ subscriber-only link) |
Two reports considered last month by the City Council have recommended changes that would allow sleeping rough in your Park Lands. The reports looked at homelessness in the City including among Aboriginal visitors from remote communities. The reports were titled: - ‘Ending homelessness in the Inner City through service coordination: feasibility study’ by The Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise; and
- ‘Aboriginal Mobility Data Project’ by The Australian Alliance to End Homelessness.
Both reports were presented to the Adelaide City Council on 13 April. The reports included recommendations that the Council change by-laws to allow sleeping rough in the Park Lands and that the State Government consider decriminalising public drunkenness. The report of the Aboriginal Mobility Data Project also recommended spending money on facilities in the Park Lands such as public toilets, access to electricity, grass watering and creating fire pits. The report recommends a trial period for allowing Aboriginal visitors to camp in the Park Lands and suggested this should be timed to occur during key arts and cultural events. However, the report also suggested that this trial should occur only after the services in the Park Lands had been significantly improved. |
At its meeting on 13 April, the City Council did not endorse changing any by-law, but did approve using $95,000 of unspent funding to facilitate meeting the recommendations from the ‘Aboriginal Mobility Data Project’.
You can read the full report to the Council in the agenda for its meeting of 13 April |
Congratulations to all the artists, sponsors, and art lovers who made possible the great success of the fourth biennial Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize. The 2020 Art Prize exhibition of finalists was delayed by 12 months due to COVID-19 restrictions. It concluded last weekend - Saturday 8 May - having achieved sales of amost $48,000. This has benefited both the artists, and the Adelaide Park Lands Association. Bumping out and packing up took place on Monday 10 May, allowing purchasers to finally take away their cherished new art works. |
At the conclusion of the exhibition, the work that attracted the most votes in the Royal Adelaide Show Peoples Choice Award was this one, Peter Stewart's photographic image "A Finger" taken from above Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14). |
Looking ahead to the next Park Lands Art Prize in 2023, we expect to be calling for entries in late 2022. To keep in touch follow the Park Lands Art Prize on Facebook, and/or subscribe to email updates. |
There are always events scheduled in your Park Lands, many of them free, and there are always opportunities to explore the Park Lands on your own, or with friends or family. Browse our Explore pages for hints about interesting spots to visit. Here are just some of the opportunities in coming weeks: Tap or click each image to find out more |
| Guided Walk through North Adelaide's Parks 3, 4 and 5 |
TODAY Sun 16 May, 2,00 to 3.30pm. |
| TODAY Sun 16 May, start times from 10am Victoria Park. |
| TODAY Sun 16 May, 12 to 4pm Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17). |
| 22 - 23 May, 10am to 4 pm. Elder Park (Park 26) |
| 22, 23 May, Festival theatre precinct (Park 26) |
| Climbing Tree - popup playspace |
22, 23 May, Elder Park (Park 26) |
| Guided Walk through Ellis Park / Tampawardli (Park 24) |
| Guided Walk in SE Park Lands (Parks 18 & 19) |
Motor sport detritus: going, going, gone Premier Steven Marshall is getting rid of the trackside assets that have been used annually, for decades to take over your Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) for up to five months per year. The State will donate various bits and pieces to The Bend Motor Sport Park at Tailem Bend. Whatever is not needed at that location will be auctioned. |
Unfortunately this decision does not have bipartisan political support. Despite growing numbers of signatures on a petition, Opposition leader Peter Malinauskas is still threatening to bring it all back if his Labor Party wins the next election. |
New roof for sunken "Show Court" on your Park 26 A new free-standing roof has been approved for the "Sunken Show Court" as part of the overall redevelopment of the Tennis SA Complex located within the leased area of Memorial Drive Tennis Club in your Tarntanya Wama (Park 26). The new roof over the sunken court will have a similar design and materials to those used for the neighbouring Adelaide Oval Stand.
You can find out more, from page 10 of this document. |
Enter your photos in a natonal competition Do you have photos of the Adelaide Park Lands stored on your phone or hard drive? Give them a new life in the Wiki Loves Earth contest. Your photos could feature on Wikipedia and spread awareness of the Park Land’s unique beauty. The photos don’t have to be recent; they just need to be taken and uploaded by the same person.
There’ s no minimum age or participation fee. Submit your photos using this link. Entries close on Sunday 13 June, 2021. |
Kaurna cultural burn - first in two centuries History was made last Friday, 14 May, in Carriageway Park / Tiuthangga (Park 17). Local Kaurna people held the first "cultural burn" in an Australian capital city for two centuries. Traditional owners say it provides for healing and reconciliation between different cultures and the land itself. |
Pic: ABC News. Read more here. |
City Council supplementary election There is about to be an election for one vacant place on the City Council. The vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of former Councillor Robert Simms, who has moved to State Parliament as the Greens Party replacement for the now-retired Mark Parnell. |
Nominations close on 10 June. When we know who all the candidates are, we will be surveying them with Park Lands questions, and will advise you of their responses in a July newsletter, before postal voting commences. You can find out about the election process and timetable at this link. |
Wetlands work contines The largest earth-moving project in your Park Lands since the 1960's is continuing. An enormous area in the southern half of Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) is fenced off, while construction workers employed by the main contractor, Bardavcol, transform the location into a wetland that will serve mutiple purposes: flood prevention, biodiversity improvement, and scenic beauty. It's a 12-month task, expected to conclude early in 2022. |
Learn more about the project at this link. |
A bar and function centre: this big? Or bigger? |
Prince Alfred College Old Collegians (PACOC) are awaiting a decision from the City Council on whether to approve construction of proposed new "club rooms" including a bar and a function space on your Bundey's Paddock / Tidlangga (Park 9) |
| On Saturday 1 May, PAOC set up this marquee to indicate the approximate size and location of what they want to build in Park 9. Read more here. |
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From the top: - Pre-dawn joggers in Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16). Pic: Kelly Barnes @kellybarnesphotos
- The 'Ride With Keith' Wednesday morning weekly cycling group at Light's Vision in Tarntanya Wama (Park 26). Pic: Keith Conlon @keithconlon1
- Monarch butterfly in the Adelaide Botanic Garden, part of Park 11. Pic: Pic: Suze, @suelewis3071
- Queensland bottle tree outside the Zoo in Park 11. Pic: Alexander Barratt @andersalltethings
- Walkers and ibis in Pelzer Park / Pityarilla (Park 19). Pic: Shane Sody
- Our Guided Walk on 2 May stopping at the QingDao rose garden in Veale Gardens, part of Veale Park / Walyu Yarta (Park 21). Pic: Ted Jennings
The Park Lands "photo of the day" series has been running since May 2014, and the collection of Park Lands photos gathered over more than six years now numbers over 2,500. We maintain (and gradually grow) more than 40 separate albums: one for each numbered Park and Square, along with several albums for "Alienations". Contributions are very welcome! Simply post your pic on social media with the tag #adelaideparklands. To find out more about any of these featured Parks, click the link to the Park number. To see the #AdelaideParklands #picoftheday as it's released each morning, just follow us on Facebook, Instagram &/or Twitter. |
Despite being a National Heritage-listed place, the Adelaide Park Lands are not well protected by Federal environmental laws.
That's why we've joined the Places You Love Alliance - to campaign along with 56 other organisations for better environmental protection laws. |
NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Shane Sody Contributors: Rachael Mead, Loine Sweeney, Ted Jennings Proofreader: Trish Russell
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Here at APA, we hate marketing (spam) emails. That's why we deliver news about the Park Lands, in this email format, only twice per month. You will see a newsletter in the middle of each month, and a new (shorter) newsletter on the 1st of each month. If you're after more regular information, please follow us on Facebook where we are posting every day. Unlike marketing emails, we're not trying to sell you anything, so we hope you'll forgive this intrusion to your InBox. Nevertheless, if you'd rather not hear from us in future, you can unsubscribe here. |
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